Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Say it's not so - FDA to Back Food /Cloned Animals

Can you tell that I am so not happy with this ..!!!

Please read this article from the Washington Post.com regarding the FDA to back Food from cloned animals.

"The decision would be a notable act of defiance against Congress, which last month passed appropriations legislation recommending that any such approval be delayed pending further studies"

Am I the only one reacting to this decision ..?? And will these foods be 'labeled' appropriately for the consumer to be made aware that this is what they are ingesting. ??

Is this our future.! ?

To read this article: Visit: FDA TO BACK FOOD FROM CLONED ANIMALS

~ til next time,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds pretty scary!! Soon enough they will be cloning kids, if they aren't doing it already! Doesn't anyone but congress and the fda have any say in this, PETA should be screaming their asses off!! love ya chat